Cloud Accounting

Aqua Digital Bookkeeping believe that selecting the right financial solution is paramount to the success of your business

Xero is the leading online accounting system for small businesses. Although I have training in Sage One and Kashflow, it is my software of choice and I use it to manage my own accounts as well as my client accounts. I am a Xero Partner and Certified Advisor, and I’m passionate about the collaborative and vast number of beneficial add-ons that make Xero such a powerful game changer for small and medium sized businesses.

Benefits of Xero Cloud Accounting

Automated Bank Feeds

Automatically pull transactions from your bank accounts and credit cards before quickly categorising them

Quick Quotations

Effortlessly mark quotations as accepted or declined, or even convert them to invoices when needed

Accounting on the Go

Access your updated accounts from any device connected to the Internet – anytime, any place, anywhere

Dynamic Real-Time Reporting

Keeping an eye or how well your business is doing is the difference between success and failure.  Xero’s reports dynamically shows exactly where your business stands at the touch of a button

Customised and Branded Invoices

Create, manage and send invoices using your own branding and customisation

Accept Payments through Paypal or GoCardless

Provide a quick, easy solution for your customers by including a Paypal or GoCardless link on your invoices so they can make payment immediately

No Installations or IT Maintenance

As Xero is in the cloud, you don’t have to install any software on your PC, carry out any costly maintenance, or ensure you have enough licences for all your users.  Simply Register, add your bookkeeper, and off you go!

Security and Backups

Xero runs daily online backups of your business data using top-tier, third-party specialist services.  Your information is highly encrypted and stored in several resilient locations so that it’s safe, secure and available when you need it.

Aqua Digital Bookkeeping – Keeping Your Business Flowing 

Manor Orchard
Culmington, Ludlow, SY8 2DN

Tel: 07876 494244
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